#Paraunity At The Village Mansfield With Infraready, Lee Roberts and Ryan Griffiths of The Hauntings, Ash Buckenham, Mark Williams and Kate Ray of The Ghostfinder Paranormal Society, Miki York, Andy Bavington of TeamSpiritz, Cee n Dee, Fox Trot Oscar, Kelly J Ellis and Ness, The Hauntings, Ross and Team From Wednesbury Paranormal And A Host Of Amazing Guests. An not forgetting Spooks and Crooks who was recording their latest Podcast.

So how could I let the #Paraunity opportunity pass? Ash Buckenham had arranged a ~Paraunity events at the Village, Mansfield. A Haunted Location managed by the One and Only Mr Lee Roberts. (Top Bloke!)
Unfortunately I was not in a position to attend the #Paraunity event and as such had to decline the invite. Having work closely with Mark Williams, one of the GPS team members for many months developing equipment for upcoming events and TV for his fellow team members Barri Ghai, he convinced me that I should turn up as a suprise which I clearly did!
Ryan was the first to recognise my face, closely followed by Lee. the Penny then dropped with Ash, he was very grateful of my attendance to
#Paraunity .
The Village is an excellent place, even better with so many great paranormal enthustiasts under the one roof. The group split into three, all grpus rotated through three zones. i had the pleasure of having free reign and spent time with all of the teams and #Paraunity guests. Several of the newbies were closely protected by Kate as they seemed to be targetted by what was out there.
Before the #Paraunity event got in to full swing, I was interviewed by Spooks and Crooks. They was very suprised when I responded to their first question asking me whether I had seen a ghost. i explained that I was a skeptic, they found that quite amusing due to the fact that I own Infraready and build and sell ghost hunting equipment and paranormal kit.
I explained that when I started Infraready, converting digital cameras for photography was the sole purpose of my business, Infra Red cameras Ready To Shoot Photos, Infraready was born!
After being contacted by many Paranormal Enthusiasts since 2010 my services providing similar cameras that allowed full spectrum nightvison capable recordings became very popular and the transition rapidly moved Infraready from being a Camera Store to A Full Blown Ghost Hunting Equipment Specialist who gets frequent invites to events such as
I explained to Spooks and Crooks that without such close contacts within the paranormal Circles, the credibility of my business as a skeptic would be questionable but in a sense it works extremely well. Experts such as Lee, Ash, Ryan, Miki have all inspired me to develop and build new equipment which has helped me to evolve Infraready and has allowed them to explore new areas during investigations.
So its a win-win situation, true #Paraunity . The paranormal experts receive the latest quality ghost hunting equipment built to spec which is fully tested out in the filed before it goes on sale to the general public. So before I take money out of the hands of my customers, all equipment has been throughly tested and is fit for purpose. So as a skeptic I have on tap supply of expert resource out within the field that road test all of Infrareadys ghost hunting equipment, advise improvements and provide true and accurate descriptions for the equipment thats up for sale.
Now thats what you called #Paraunity
So thats enough about me and Infraready, or at least for now. I’ll tell you a bit more about some of the Lead Investigators.
Andy Bavington Founder Of Team Spiritz

I am Spirit Sensitive been doing paranormal Investigations for 12 years now (with a 3 year break when I had Cancer)
Team Spiritz been running for 10 years and only work on an independent basis and dont do event, but me personally are happy to tag along and guest on other Teams events,I am sceptical on Paranormal Equipment but am more than happy to work alongside it for any sort of intelligent response from any residing spirit,
As a team we work more on the spiritual side with traditional methods, such as Glass divination, Pendulm work, and trigger objects with very little use of Paranormal Technology,
It was an honour to be asked by Ashley to join the Paraunity team and work alongside everyone and doing my own section with the energy Circle, which brought forward some very strong energy and affected a few people within the circle, and I will look forward to more Paraunity Events in the Future as it’s a great way to put ideas forward to each other and work as one.
Russ - Wednesbury Paranormal
Great to see you there Andy.
Really cool to chat tech with such a legend.