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Spirit Bridge Phonic ITC Box


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Spirit Bridge Phonic ITC Box

Spirit Bridge Phonic ITC Box

*** Please note the device contains words and samples of a mature nature ***

Device Overview – A Hybrid Pyschokinetic ITC Box that combines a traditional word-bank having over 15,500 words, phrases and samples with the option to switch to continuous stream or phonic mode.

  • Wordbank with 15,500 samples made up of 10,000 single words, 600 names, 4,000 phrases and 1,000 sound samples.
  • Loud , clear speaker offering excellent clarity.
  • Pyschokinetic ITC – No Sensors, No False Triggers.  The box uses a simple technique that has provided surprising results. Call out and encourage spirits to influence the device and communicate with you.
  • Requires 4 x AA Batteries

Simple to operate, the Spirit Bridge Phonic ITC Box has just three switches.  From bottom to top, the switches are as follows.

  1. Power On / Off
  2. Response Mode
  3. Phonic Mode

With the Power switch (1) set to the one position, Switches (2) and (3) can be switched on independently or together to achieve the following.

Psychokinect Response Modes

Switch (2) on / Switch (3) off – Call out question, inviting spirits to interact with the you by using the box as a medium for communication.  In this mode, the responses given will be full words, phrases and samples.

Switch (2) on / Switch (3) on – As above but with partial samples and phonetics.

Spirit Box Emulation Modes

With the threat of FM radio becoming obsolete by the turn of the decade, the ghost box as we know it may potentially become redundant in years to come.  With this in mind, I wanted to build a device that could provide the user with a similar experience and avenue of communication.

Switch (2) off / Switch (3) off – Constant Stream Emulation.  In this mode, the device will play a continuous stream of words and samples providing strung together words that form longer sentences and messages.

Switch (2) off / Switch (3) on – Phonic Stream Emulation.  In this mode, the device will play a broken stream of phonics and samples that closely emulates a clean sweep ghost box.



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