June 2024 Order update..... If you wish to place an order, please continue to read the following. Thanks. Infraready.

Due to the overwhelming and continued demand for our products, in particular the Alice DNA ITC BOX, as we have a limited amount of build capacity each month, we are now operating a manual order system.

As a result our shopping cart and checkout have been deliberately disabled to encourage you to get in touch to mutually agree a payment / fulfilment date to suit.

Our order schedule from June through to August 2024 is already fully booked, however, pre-orders can be placed as per the below instructions for payment and dispatch on 1st August 2024.

Occasionally, we do receive cancelled orders, so it us always worth checking with us as we may be able to squeeze the occasional order in for immediate payment.

Placing a pre-order is simple... There is no need to pay for your goods upfront, just get in touch and let us know what items you would like to reserve. We will then advise how long it will take to satisfy your order and agree a date for payment once your items are complete and ready to despatch.

If you wish to make an inquiry or place a pre-order then please use the contact form or email [email protected] or text 07903437999 (texts will only be answered between 18:00-22:00 weekdays, 10:00 - 20:00 weekends.

Thanks, Andy (Infraready Ltd)

Trading in the paranormal community for over 12 years, Infraready have become one of the UK's leading and trusted suppliers of ghost hunting equipment. To see more, please check out our reviews on Google and Trustpilot.
June 2024 Order update..... If you wish to place an order, please continue to read the following. Thanks. Infraready.

Due to the overwhelming and continued demand for our products, in particular the Alice DNA ITC BOX, as we have a limited amount of build capacity each month, we are now operating a manual order system.

As a result our shopping cart and checkout have been deliberately disabled to encourage you to get in touch to mutually agree a payment / fulfilment date to suit.

Our order schedule from June through to August 2024 is already fully booked, however, pre-orders can be placed as per the below instructions for payment and dispatch on 1st August 2024.

Occasionally, we do receive cancelled orders, so it us always worth checking with us as we may be able to squeeze the occasional order in for immediate payment.

Placing a pre-order is simple... There is no need to pay for your goods upfront, just get in touch and let us know what items you would like to reserve. We will then advise how long it will take to satisfy your order and agree a date for payment once your items are complete and ready to despatch.

If you wish to make an inquiry or place a pre-order then please use the contact form or email [email protected] or text 07903437999 (texts will only be answered between 18:00-22:00 weekdays, 10:00 - 20:00 weekends.

Thanks, Andy (Infraready Ltd)

Trading in the paranormal community for over 12 years, Infraready have become one of the UK's leading and trusted suppliers of ghost hunting equipment. To see more, please check out our reviews on Google and Trustpilot.

Outer Realm Frequency EM Pump




Outer Realm Frequency EM Pump For Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigation.

Outer Realm Frequency EM Pump

Movie Demo coming soon!!!!

This is not a typical EM Pump, it does not use a spinning magnet.

So how does It Work??

It uses a frequency generator that stores energy into a coil which it then converts and disperses as an Electro-Magnetic field.

To achieve this, the Outer Realm Frequency EM Pump simply requires a 9v battery.  The device can be switched on/off via a push button switch.

The Frequency EM pump is capable of generating different frequencies that can be easily set by the user via two push buttons on the face of the device.  The frequency range can be set between 1Hz to 5000Hz.

The device has a clear 1″ LCD display and a status LED to show when the coil is charging and dispersing.

Frequencies set between 1Hz to 19Hz will generate a constant EM field, the status LED will light solid Amber.  Frequencies set between 20Hz to 5000Hz will disperse once the coil is primed and reaches charge.  The status LED will illuminate Red when charging and Green when the EM field is being emitted.

Using A KII Meter (Not Included) Will Allow You To See Deflection At Distances Of Over 0.2 Meter. The EM Field Continues To Penetrate The Environment To Distances Far Beyond This.

For best results place the stand the Frequency EM pump facing your EVP recorder when calling out for responses, or near your spirit portal of ITC devices at a distance of approx 0.2m.

What Is An EM PUMP???

An EM Pump Generates Turbulent Electro Magnetic Fields That Can Be Seen By Using An EMF Meter Such As The KII (KII Meter Not Included).

The EM Pump Is A Popular Device In The Field Of Paranormal Investigation. These Devices Are Used To Enhance Activity In Areas That Are Known To Be Active. The EM Pump Can Be Used To Attract Paranormal Entities And Stimulate And Energize Spiritual Activity.

Why Use An EM PUMP???

Spirits And Paranormal Entities Are Comprised Of Energy. The EM Pump Device Emits A Strong Electromagnetic Field Into The Surrounding Area, Acting As A Beacon To Draw Spirits Closer. The Oscillating Field Also Provides Spirits With Energy To Feed Off Helping Them To Show A Stronger Presence And Communicate More Clearly.

In theory spirits are made from EM frequencies,therefore the pump is design to feed and energize spirits to help strengthen communication via EVP recordings, Spirit Portals and other ITC devices like the Alice Box and Paratek word generators.

Thanks to Alan at Paratronics for building and supplying this device for distribution to our customer base.



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